Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dick Morris: How We Can Win The Debt Limit Debate


Let's face it, we lost the debate over the continuing resolution. Even if you thought it was pretty good, you have to admit that we didn't force anywhere near the level of cuts that were needed.

The Democrats held the pay for our troops hostage and forced Boehner and the Republicans to cave to avoid not paying the troops and supposedly shutting down the government. They are up to a similar trick on the debt limit debate as well.

The Democratic argument on the debt limit is akin to saying that the full faith and credit of the United States will be irreparably damaged by not raising the debt limit. They seem to think that by not raising the debt limiting we are choosing not to pay our debt. This doesn't have to be the case.

The same way that we could have paid the troops and still cut significant amounts of money in the continuing resolution, we can pay our creditors and and still not raise the debt ceiling. All that needs to be done is to pass a law saying that our creditors will be paid first--before anything else. In this way, we will meet our financial obligations by paying our creditors. Secondly, it will force significant cuts to occur in the budget. This is exactly what we want and need in order to ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit an America that is as good or better than the one we have loved.

So, watch Dick Morris discuss his strategy, and vote in the new poll which will be posted shortly!

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